Committee For Social Justice
MALIKs believe we are the Ideal Man, a Masterpiece of Creation and the Greatest contribution to the well-being of Society. In short, M in MALIK stands for Manhood and we attempt to be at the forefront of what this truly means as we endeavor toward what is known as healthy masculinity. This is almost counter to everything society says defines a man. We do not believe that the amount of punishment one can endure is a test or measure of your masculinity or manhood. The mind is the standard of the man, which is why we bring in members the way we do through a “Right of Passage”. We do not believe that subjugating women is a testament to your masculinity. The mind is the standard of the man, which is why we have the type of Sisters that we have in the MALIK Melodies Sisterhood, Incorporated. We don’t believe in homophobic activity or putting down other human beings or organizations. The Mind Is The Standard of The Man, which is why when we step we never parody other fraternities.
That’s great but how do words translate into action? The individual that seeks membership in MALIK is usually the kind of man that has a burning desire to effect positive change within the communities of the underserved. It is this passion of service that draws one to the philosophical construct that is MALIK.
The MALIK Committee for Social Justice are MALIK members selected to addressing social issues and providing service to the community in a comprehensive and holistic way. We are a fraternity of mostly collegiate men; all of our members are professionals in their own right. That being said one should be able to bring your professional perspective to the table to service those that may be in need. Not everyone is a Physician and can go to a “third world” nation and volunteer. Not everyone is an economist and can hold an economic empowerment summit. However we can all use our backgrounds to be able to sit at the table of professional diversity and exchange ideas with others toward the betterment of our people. This is The Committee for Social Justice.
The MALIK Committee for Social Justice, while dedicated to the community at large, is an internal committee. This internal committee is a MALIK think tank consisting of professionals in such disciplines as medicine, education, law and of course community activists. This keeps our community endeavors from being haphazard and provides a level of focus that will be beneficial to all. Also as the L in MALIK is for Leadership, our organization is in a constant state of providing Leadership opportunities for our members both Undergraduate and Professional and both external and internal.
When MALIK speaks of Service it is about those issues that need to be addressed but are very uncomfortable for many to speak to. This is very much in keeping with the stance of Malcolm X, The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense and The Young Lords Party. As James Baldwin said, “Malcolm's great power over us is he corroborated our reality.” These organizations addressed real issues in real ways and discussed them although they were uncomfortable and others did not. Everything from hunger in the inner-city to basic health care and access to the same. MALIK has followed this tradition in the case of Eric Garner. We demanded an audience with the US Attorney General by gathering thousands of signatures to investigate the wrongful death of this case. This was followed, again in a comprehensive way, by individuals on the ground that spoke with their feet in marches and protests to let it be understood the displeasure we felt in this case. This is but one example and as we all know the past is prologue…