Chris Dowdy

-Jeem Spring 2001
-Arif Yero Muata Retta
-“Dowdy is always traveling”
-Physician Assistant in Emergency Medicine

Prior leadership experience within MALIK:
•I have served as the undergrad Vice President and Liaison.
•I was instrumental in creating and starting the first Long Island Shabazz Chapter and served as the first Chapter President for 2 years.
•I presently hold office as the National Representative.
Position you seek, your relevant experience for the role, and one or two things you hope to accomplish in the position:
•To be National Advocate. My experience is in my actions and my consistent years of service and leadership roles to the Fraternity and Brotherhood. I hope to bring checks and balances to the National Board when needed. To represent the voice and spirit of the brotherhood. To be accountable for the National Convention.
Name a leader you admire and describe the type of leadership Brothers can expect from you if they vote for you:
•A leader I admire would be my Grandmother who passed in January 2020, at the age of 100. She lived her life truthfully and honorable being of service to humanity and a woman after Gods own heart. In a leadership role, brothers can expect much of the same as I am a man of action, and not just words. I believe in accountability, being transparent, and serving with honor.