Our founders were born at a very unique and historic time of black consciousness. A re-awakening of what it meant to be black and Latino and specifically what it meant to be of African decent in America. It was a time of black fists, Afros and Dashikis, Malcolm X, the Young Lords, the Black Panthers! By the mid 1970’s, the children of that era became young men and brought that same level of consciousness to college. Going against the grain at the time, 15 brave young men formed the first Black and Latino fraternity (Malik Sigma Psi) that dared to call themselves African Fraternalists. This was 1977, and as you can imagine, it wasn’t easy! At the time, black fraternities had done it one way for almost 75 years. These brothers stood their ground, persevered, and became agents of change on their campuses and in their communities. MALIK is still here! As part of our natural progression and evolution, we started bestowing African names to new members; eliminated the Greek lettering from our name; our rituals and practices became more culturally based and our initiation became a “rite of passage”.
There is a new level of consciousness sweeping across our nation. While the unfortunate incidents involving the abuse and even death of people of color has caused our nation to re-examine its value system, the evolution of Black and Latino consciousness must continue. The African diaspora crosses into South America and the Caribbean. From Brazil to Peru; Cuba to Puerto Rico; Mexico to Columbia. The Black and Latino experience exists as one, and MALIK embraces that “Latino Connection”.
We hope you enjoy learning about MALIK and choose to align yourself with a brotherhood that believes Africa is the cradle of civilization and understands the importance of reclaiming that stolen legacy. Perhaps you too believe that “the mind is the standard of the man” and want to better yourself and strengthen your mind. If any of these things are true, then maybe this brotherhood is for you as well. The King in I salutes the King in you. Hotep!
Ras Hugh Lawrence Jr.
National President,
MALIK Fraternity, Inc.