The strength of MALIK Fraternity, Inc. lies with its dedicated members. It is these members who sacrifice out of love and belief in the movement of MALIK to guide the fraternity towards the future. In the spirit and keeping with the practice of African Fraternalism, these are the members of the National Board, comprised of the Machifu Kamati (National Executive Council), which in Swahili means “Chief’s Committee," the Baraza (Council Of Elders), which in Swahili means “The Council,”and the National Board At-Large members, and separately, the Regional Leadership.
Council Of Elders
Shomari Akil
Johan Powell, Esq.
Tabari Bomani
Norman Londono
Severin Cornelius
National Board At-Large
National Advocate
Christopher Dowdy
National Alumni Liaisons
Jacquiel Bullock
Abel Peralta
National Undergraduate Liaison
Omar Mahflali
Regional Leadership
Northeast Regional Director
Nnamdi Ude
South Regional Director
Dr. Ady Piña
Central Regional Director
Edem Nyarko
West Regional Director
Michael Ferron
National Executive Council
National President
Ras Ryan Simmons
National Vice President
Shawuki G. Hilton, Esq.
National Treasurer
Conrad Bennett
National Supreme Captain
Oliver Marte
National Secretary
Jonathan Baldera
National Executive Director
Christopher Moxley